El tiempo en todas las ciudades del Estado de Texas
- Gadston
- Gafford
- Gage
- Gageby
- Gainesville
- Gainesville
- Galena Park
- Galle
- Galloway
- Galveston
- Ganado
- Garciasville
- Garden Acres
- Garden City
- Garden City Park
- Garden Oaks
- Garden Ridge
- Garden Valley
- Gardendale
- Gardendale
- Gardendale
- Garfield
- Garland
- Garland
- Garner
- Garrett
- Garwood
- Garza Crossing
- Garza Estates Colonia
- Garza-4Th-6Th Streets Colonia
- Garza-Gutierrez Colonia
- Garza-Salinas Colonia
- Gastonia
- Gate City Acres Colonia
- Gatesville
- Gateway Village
- Gause
- Gaywood
- Genoa
- George Lookingbill Number 1 Colonia
- George West
- Georges Creek
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Germania
- Germany
- Gernentz Colonia
- Geronimo
- Gessner Grove
- Gessport
- Gethsemane
- Gholson
- Giddings
- Gifford
- Gilbert Landing
- Gilbreth
- Gilburg
- Gillett
- Gilmer
- Gilson Groves
- Ginger Green
- Girlstown Usa
- Girvin
- Gladewater
- Glasscock North Colonia
- Gleckler
- Glen Cairn
- Glen Cairn West
- Glen Flora
- Glen Forest
- Glen Hill
- Glen Iris
- Glen Lee Place
- Glen Park
- Glen Rose
- Glenbrook Valley
- Glenburnie
- Glencairn Park
- Glenn
- Glenn Heights
- Glenrio
- Glenshannon
- Glenshire Estates Colonia
- Glenwood
- Glenwood Acres Colonia
- Glidden
- Gloria Colonia
- Gloria Elena Colonia
- Gloverdale
- Gober
- Gober
- Godley
- Goforth
- Golden Acres
- Goldfinch
- Goldthwaite
- Golfcrest
- Golfview Manor
- Goliad
- Golinda
- Gomez Colonia
- Gonzales
- Gonzales Colonia
- Gonzales Colonia
- Gonzalez-Zamora Colonia
- Good Valley Ranch Colonia Number 1
- Goodland
- Goodrich
- Goodwin Heights Number 1 Colonia
- Gordon
- Gordon Junction
- Goree
- Gough
- Gover
- Governor Place
- Gozar
- Graceland Terrace
- Grady
- Graford
- Graham
- Graham
- Graham Colonia
- Granada Estates Colonia
- Granbury
- Grand Prairie
- Grand Saline
- Grandfalls
- Grandview
- Granger
- Grangerland
- Granite Shoals
- Granjeno
- Grantwood
- Grape Creek
- Grapeland
- Grapetown
- Grapevine
- Grass Pond Colony
- Gratis
- Gray East And West Colonia
- Grayburg
- Grays Prairie
- Greatwood
- Greatwood Trails
- Greatwood Village
- Green
- Green Acres Colonia
- Green Acres Number 1 And 2 Colonia
- Green Tree Terrace
- Green Valley
- Green Valley Development Subdividion Colonia
- Greenbranch
- Greenbriar Colony
- Greenbrier Southwest
- Greendale
- Greenfield Village
- Greengate Place
- Greens Bayou
- Greensbrook
- Greenshores
- Greentree Village
- Greenview Manor
- Greenville
- Greenway Place
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Forest
- Greenwood Village
- Greggton
- Gregory
- Gresham
- Grey Forest
- Gribble
- Griffin
- Griffing Park
- Griffith
- Grijalva Gardens Colonia
- Groceville
- Groesbeck
- Groom
- Grosvenor
- Grove West
- Groves
- Groveton
- Grovewood Estates Colonia
- Gruene
- Gruhlkey
- Gruver
- Guadalupe
- Guadalupe Heights
- Guda
- Guerra
- Guerra Ellis Colonia Number 1 And 2
- Guffey
- Guild
- Guion
- Gulf
- Gulf Freeway Oaks
- Gulf Palms
- Gum Springs
- Gum Valley
- Gumesindo Galvan Colonia
- Gun Barrel City
- Gunter
- Gunter
- Gurdev Colonia
- Gustine
- Guthrie
- Guy
- Guzman Colonia